Wednesday, May 29, 2013

6 Reasons Why GODZILLA (2014) WILL NOT FAIL!!!

There's no doubt that Legendary Pictures' GODZILLA REBOOT is one of the top most highly anticipated films of 2014 and with good reason! When was the last time Godzilla stomped into theaters outside of Japan? When was the last time Western audiences laid eyes on the King of Monsters? It is definitely my #1 most anticipated film of 2014. I have absolute faith in Legendary Pictures and Gareth Edwards. Every decision they've made this far has been excellent from returning Godzilla to his dark gritty nuclear holocaustic roots to even casting Akira Takarada for a cameo!

However, there are some fans out there who are holding their breaths and taking caution at Edwards' vision of Godzilla. Me personally, I've been 100% supportive of Edwards and every direction he's taken into to delivering his vision. However, the memories of ZILLA 1998 still linger amongst some fans and that's what's holding them back from diving into the hype of this movie.

I will give you some VALID REASONS (from my point of view, of course) why this film won't be a repeat of the atrocious 1998 attempt and will deliver THE AMERICAN GODZILLA we've all been waiting for and THE GODZILLA we all fell in love with in the first place.

1.) LEGENDARY PICTURES: Like I said before, every decision they've made so far has been exceptional but let's start from the beginning. The VERY BEGINNING! Originally, this began with Yoshimitsu Banno when he obtained "special permission" from Toho to produce a 40 minute IMAX Godzilla film. Banno spent several years trying to find backers to finance the project but with no success. Until he met Hollywood producer, Brian Rogers.

The first right decision they've made was approaching Legendary Pictures to help produce the film, to which they later favored to produce it as a feature film instead, correct decision #2! It was very smart of Rogers and Banno to approach a studio like Legendary Pictures because not only are they fans but they are smart and responsible with their material! They know their audience, they connect with their fans, and they deliver nothing but critically & commercially acclaimed blockbusters!

If any studio in Hollywood has a chance of delivering a great Godzilla film, IT IS LEGENDARY! They stay faithful to their source material, don't fuck shit up and they pick the right filmmakers to bring the films to life, ala Chris Nolan with The Dark Knight trilogy. Under Legendary Pictures' care, Godzilla is safe!

2.) GARETH EDWARDS: The film is being directed by someone who ACTUALLY UNDERSTANDS GODZILLA and WHAT HE REPRESENTS! Gareth Edwards publicly confirmed that there is nothing sci-fi about this film. It's completely grounded in reality. To which I say was the right direction to take the film into.

The original film wasn't a sci-fi adventure or a mindless extravaganza, it was a serious film about the horrors of nuclear holocaust made by a group of filmmakers who experienced the terror first hand. It was a film about how humanity pays the price for playing God by being attacked by a GODzilla, and it seems that Edwards is taking his vision back to that old element that made Godzilla such a memorable icon in the first place. Now that's the type of filmmaker you want to direct your Godzilla movie.

3.)  THE ADDITION OF MONSTERS: It's a tradition to include royale rumbles in a Godzilla movie, whether it be one or two kaijus, it doesn't matter, Godzilla has to always have a foe to fight against. It's an unwritten rule and a tradition in Godzilla films but the fact that they worked the script to not only focus on Godzilla but to have him fight not one, but two kaijus means that we're in for an epic kaiju extravaganza!

One of Zilla '98's mistakes was that Zilla was only limited to fighting the US Army, however, Zilla did a lot more running than fighting. Regardless, the fact that Godzilla will have two foes, it means that he won't be an A-sexual pussy.

4.) FOUR YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT: I remember the days when Legendary was taking their time in updating fans on the status of Godzilla. It seemed like we would receive an updated twice a year. Now, we're getting weekly updates! However, the fact that it took them four years to develop the film shows that they took their time to provide a worthy script. That's dedication!

5.) COMIC CON 2012: I've heard comments from people who attended Legendary's panel that the Godzilla trailer overshadowed everything else Legendary threw at people. Its overwhelming positive reception and encore presentation further boosted my confidence in Legendary and Edwards. However, would it have killed them to release the damn trailer online?

6.) LEARN FROM THE PAST: This should have been reason #1 but oh well. Legendary has learned from TriStar's mistakes. The impact the 1998 film had influenced Legendary and Edwards to avoid repeating the same or similar mistakes. I guess, in a way, it's a good thing Roland Emmerich made his version the way he did because now, because of his poor decisions, Legendary and Edwards are watching their steps and making sure they actually deliver Godzilla this time around. Live and learn, right?

Well, those are all the reasons I have (thought of so far). If you have any reasons of your own, please feel free to share. To sum up everything I just said, GODZILLA (2014) cannot possibly fail because it's being produced and financed by one of the most responsible studios in Hollywood, it's being directed by a filmmaker who is actually a Godzilla fan and knows how to tell a story, and they took their time with it. Things come to he who waits.

Until the trailer is released, all we can do is keep hope and support Edwards and Legendary 100% in the hopes that they will finally deliver the Hollywood treatment Godzilla deserved in the first place!

1 comment:

  1. Very well written and I look forward to the actual movie!
